Friday, November 4, 2011

black line?

On Saturday Justin noticed I had a black line along the base of my neck. We both thought it was from the apron I had been wearing as part of my "Flo" from the progressive commercial costume and forgot all about it. 
This morning as I was getting ready for school I looked in the mirror at the back of my hair, as everyone should do, (have you ever seen an old lady with a flat spot or bald spot in the back of her hair-that's why you should always look) anyhoo I noticed that the line was still there...
After scrubbing it for a good minute with a washcloth and having no success at removing it I started to freak out a little bit.
So like any normal person with a mysterious black line on their neck would do I went straight to Web MD.
I found this...
And being that I am overweight and diabetes runs in my family I can to the conclusion that I must be diabetic.
After class I went to Urgent Care-they did a blood test-I am not YET diabetic.
Talk about the needed motivation.
I HAVE to do something to change.


  1. Oh scary! Diabetes runs in my family too and I'm worried I might get it someday. Good luck!! Have you ever checked out Calorie King? It really helps if you use it and there are tons of awesome and supportive people. And it really focuses on healthy eating, not depriving yourself or only being able to eat certain foods.

  2. I love you Casey!!! So glad you're not diabetic and so proud of all of the changes you're making. You inspire me!
