I'm not going to sugar coat it. Quitting soda sucks and it is really hard. I'm on the 11th day and this is the first day I haven't had to pop a couple of Excedrin. I legitimately thought about having a diet coke today. We were on our way to lunch and I was having an internal struggle as to whether or not I should order one. I didn't. I had water. Then we went to in-n-out to dinner. One of my favorite things in the whole world is a cheeseburger paired with a nice, big, icy cold diet coke. But I had water. And you know what I don't feel that bad about it anymore. I can't guarantee I'm not going to crave one tomorrow but for today I feel okay. I read this quote last night and it gave me enough strength and enough faith that if I keep trying to do something that is difficult for me eventually it will become a habit. I know President Uchtdorf wasn't probably referring to overcoming a diet soda addiction but to me last night that's what this quote was all about and it made me feel better.
Hi. My name is Latrell. I just happened to come across your blog. I so totally understand the diet thing! Its so hard isn't it? I too am dieting, turning a cheeseburger down takes pure determination but its rewarding. I lost 9 pounds in 20 days :) Stay focused girl! Check out my blog sometime! Let me know how I can subscribe or follow you! See ya!