Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Today was much better than yesterday. 
I don't know why it is so hard for me to actually get up the motivation to go to the gym because once I'm there I remember how much I love it.

Exercise gives you endorphins and endorphins make you happy! 
-Elle Woods

And we all know I need all the endorphins I can get!
I did 30 minutes on the elliptical, 30 minutes on the stationary bike, 20 minutes walking/jogging the track, and 10 minutes of shooting hoops. 
Not too shabby for my first day back from the couch ;)
However I must say that I really hate the grey shirts we have to wear to the school gym...they show all of my nasty sweat.
Its a darn good thing I'm already married because I definitely wouldn't be picking up any dates with my horrid perspiring body!
It was a darn good thing I went in the morning too because come mid-afternoon the migraine was back in full force-despite my consumption of my cherished diet DP.
Now I sit here with a horrendous tooth ache praying I'll be able to fall asleep and make it to the dentist in the morning.
Hope all of you enjoy your gym time in whatever shirt you desire that hides your sweat.
Someday, Someday...

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